Did your hard drive suddenly stop working? No longer able to access those photos on your SD card? Broken flash drive? Perhaps you accidentally erased your files or formatted your device. Nothing is more disheartening than finding out that you need data recovery.
The last thing you want to do at this point is let someone attempt to recover your data without the proper equipment. We see plenty of hard drives that were opened up by other shops, or the brother-in-law that knows about computers. You can easily cause permanent damage, rendering your hard drive unrecoverable.
We have invested heavily in the latest technology to recover your data including specialized disk imagers, head-swap tools, software, and donor drives. We are fully equipped to recover your desktop, laptop, or external hard drive. We can also recover your solid state hard drive, thumb drive, SD card, and just about anything else that stores information.
If you have suffered a hard drive failure (or other data loss) stop using the drive immediately, and give us a call! Once we have examined your hard drive we will send you a list of what is recoverable, and a cost estimate.
Ask us about our date recovery payment plans!
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